LVR Flote


Exploring Innovation in Maritime Excellence: a Successful Visit to Plymouth and South Devon Freeport

Following a successful Baltic Study Visit on 5G use cases in the UK in March, 2023, we were happy to return to Plymouth and South Devon Freeport last week together with our innovation partners – LMT Innovations, Riga Technical University, 5G Techritory and SUBmerge Baltic. Plymouth and South Devon Freeport with their world-class research facilities is a globally recognized as a center of excellence for marine science.

The primary goal of our visit was to foster a collaborative spirit, encouraging creative idea sharing among innovation partners.

Key Objectives Achieved 

Knowledge Exchange: We engaged in insightful discussions with the technical team at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) to learn about cutting-edge research and advancements in marine science.
Academic Collaboration: Our visit to the University of Plymouth (UoP) Marine Station allowed us to interact with UoP experts and explore potential avenues for academic collaboration, and training possibilities.
Industry Exploration: the agenda included visits to renowned businesses in Turnchapel, such as Marine AI, Thales, Fugro Academy, and Sonardyne International Ltd. These interactions were instrumental in exploring technological solutions that could potentially be applicable in Latvia.
Cyber Innovation: The visit to the UoP Cyber Ship Lab provided valuable insights into the latest developments in cybersecurity in the maritime industry.

The visit culminated with initiating discussions on potential Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Latvian stakeholders and Plymouth and South Devon Freeport.

LVR Flote is dedicated to supporting innovation incentives in the maritime sector in order to enhance the competitiveness of Latvia’s ports. As we reflect on the success of this visit, we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. We are looking forward to continuing the work with our local innovation partners and partners in Plymouth. The team’s commitment to innovation, idea sharing, and collaborative partnerships will undoubtedly contribute to the continued growth and excellence in the maritime technological advancements in the Freeport of Riga and Latvia.



LVR Flote is a reliable, stable and experienced company that contributes to the competitiveness of Latvian ports with the range of services it provides.
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