
Auction identification No. LVRF/2023/24

Auction subject: signing of a SIA "LVR Flote" owned vessel FOROS sale-purchase agreement with the auction winner

Technical information about the vessel FOROS is available in Appendix 3 of the Auction provisions, as well as on our website in section “Ice breaking”, or applicants may schedule an onsite inspection of the vessel by confirming with LVR Flote in advance.

The deadline for submitting applications: until June 30, 2023, 12:00


For information about the Auction provisions - Development and Communication Project Manager Laura Apoga, phone number: (+371) 29243202

For scheduling inspection of the ship - Fleet Manager Arno Lāts, phone number: (+371) 29461132

Additional information requests shall be sent to info@lvrflote.lv noting in the e-mail subject “Question about auction Id. No. LVRF/2023/24 for vessel FOROS”.


Provisions for auction of tug FOROS

Appendix 1: Application form

Appendix 2: Purchase agreement draft

Appendix 3: Technical information FOROS


Answers to additional information requests will be published here